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Though I have already touched on how people blame God for their living conditions in a previous blog “Born This Way,” I still have a few valid questions and/or comments. Why is it that African-Americans (more than any other Americans) are expected to understand and/or agree with Gay and Lesbian chosen lifestyles or else be considered a homophobe or even worse, somehow deserving of the racist treatment they receive at the hands of white America?

While we’re on the subject, why is the Gay Rights Movement compared to the Civil Rights Movement where blacks were being treated as sub-human and where human rights were being denied? Did I miss something? Are gays and lesbians being denied basic human rights? Freedom from imprisonment? Maybe that’s part of the confusion. We called it the Civil Rights Movement when it was actually a HUMAN rights movement.

I’m not saying that Gays and Lesbians should be denied the right to marry. That is a State decision and, quite frankly, people’s religious beliefs are just not relevant. But, I submit to you that being denied the right to marry and being denied the right to education, voting, careers, and even life itself at times is nowhere near comparable. I’m not saying that Gays and Lesbians should have to deny their lifestyles. They shouldn’t. But, the simple fact is, they could. Can blacks hide their blackness?

In other news, why are Gays and Lesbians given a pass to break the rules of the same Bible that was taught and referenced as the Book that this country is supposedly built on? Why are they given a pass to cite God as the blame for their situation as opposed to having to confess their sinful behavior as it is described in the Bible? They need to be treated just like the rest of us and ask for forgiveness and then change their ways to be in agreement with what the Bible dictates. Okay, you can argue that everyone does not adhere to the Bible. That is a matter of choice. However, if we are going to cite this book as sacred, then we need to cite it. We can’t keep citing it halfway, which is what we as a culture seem to do. In the United States, this book, the Bible, is considered sacred…except when it comes to homosexuality.

In fact, every other sin (murdering, lying, stealing, coveting, fornication, adultery, etc.) is held up to the light in the Church. Yes, I used the word “sin” since homosexuality is shunned in the Bible and called an abomination. So, if homosexuals are given a pass than every other sin mentioned in the Bible should be excused as well. Does that make sense? Well, it shouldn’t!!

What kind of world can we expect to live in if individuals who don’t wish to change their chosen lifestyles are encouraged as Gays and Lesbians are encouraged?   What if every sinner committing all manner of sin received encouragement? What if every sinner used God as their defense? Can’t you just hear it now: I can’t help but commit murder? I should not go to jail because God made me this way? It’s not my fault? The same could be said for thieves, liars, etc. In fact, every sinner would have an excuse not to change, not to be born again, citing God as the blame. Given this excuse, why should anyone change their ways or have to pay any penance since God supposedly made them this way? My point, either follow the Bible or don’t but don’t change the religion or redefine the text to conform to the opinions of a few. It either IS the basis or it ISN’T.
